Is your child disappointed with their recent mock exam results?
How can they increase their chances of success in their Maths exams?
Be methodical
The old adage, ‘slow and steady wins the race’ is particularly important at this time. Rather than panic, students need to secure their understanding of each topic area one step at a time. This requires patience and concentration.
Maths is not about memorising formulas; it is about understanding a problem and choosing the most appropriate method(s) to solve it.
˜To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around.” Richie Norton
Set times to practise
The best way to be good at Maths is to do it and tackle as many questions as possible. The expression, “practice makes perfect” is certainly applicable to gaining good exam results.
This involves students taking responsibility for their own learning, including setting a regular time and place to complete homework tasks.

Find support
There may be some topic areas that are difficult to grasp. Finding a study friend or a professional Maths tutor could make the difference in achieving their desired grades.
“James’ confidence in his Maths has improved greatly since attending extra lessons with Tina and
he has now moved into a higher Maths set.”
Clare, parent
GCSE Maths in East Yorkshire
Have fun with Maths
Those students who are proficient in the basic number and calculation skills will often be excited about solving puzzles.
All children should know their times tables, for example, by the age of 8 or 9. If they don’t, there are many online exercises and board games to help them enjoy building their number skills.
When students have mastered the key calculation skills, they overcome their fear of Maths. They will also have greater confidence in their ability to solve a wide range of Maths problems effectively.
Present answers clearly
In the exam, it is essential to read the questions carefully before deciding how to answer them. Some questions carry more marks than others which means students are expected to present their working out clearly.
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