Top Class Tuition
Maximising Learning Potential

Frequently Asked Questions

Just some of the frequently asked questions that parents ask me. If your question isn’t answered below please CALL TINA NOW

Before looking for a tutor, it is important to consider your child’s attitude towards extra lessons.  

The more motivated a child is towards any extra study, the greater the chances of their success.

Also, children usually learn best when they are ready to receive additional support in mastering their Maths and English skills.

For example, your child may wish to move to a higher group in their class to be with their friend. Alternatively, they may be feeling frustrated because they find some of the work too challenging or too easy.

There are many reasons why your child may benefit from additional support in Maths or English.  For example, they may achieve good scores in Maths tests, but may struggle in understanding texts. They may therefore benefit from being encouraged to read between the lines, increasing their inference skills.  

Alternatively, your child may be confident in identifying the key elements of a text but find it difficult to memorise number facts.  

Sometimes, your child may be feeling frustrated because they are in the lower group for Maths or English subjects.

Or your child may become confused and upset because they find homework tasks too challenging.

Recent research has also revealed that most British children aged 16 to 24 have poor technological skills and has highlighted the importance of children leaving school with the basic reading, writing and maths skills if they are to become effective employees or employers themselves in the future. more

Soft skills are also important in the workplace. more

Studies show that how well a student’s educational discipline has developed by the time they leave primary school is the best predictor of how successful they will be when they leave secondary school.

Employing a private tutor can make a big difference to a child’s success in and out of school.