How to help your child to love reading

You may be a parent who is frustrated that their child is unwilling to read books, despite your best efforts. It may be that your child has fallen behind in their reading abilities, perhaps due to the disruption caused by the covid pandemic. They may therefore be reading books that are too challenging for them which […]
Summer Holiday Tuition

Help your child get ahead this summer … As a parent, you may be concerned that your child’s progress at school has been affected by the disruptions caused by Covid-19. Your child’s Year 6 or Year 9 end of term test results may have lowered their confidence in their abilities in Maths and […]
How you can help your child achieve their dreams

Why is my child falling behind at school? Many parents are concerned that their child is working below the expected level in Maths, English and Science subjects. It seems clear that the covid pandemic has had a significant impact on children’s confidence in their abilities in the three core subjects. Due to the […]
How to achieve good grades in Maths

Be methodical The old adage, ‘slow and steady wins the race’ is particularly important at this time. Rather than panic, students need to secure their understanding of each topic area one step at a time. This requires patience and concentration. Maths is not about memorising formulas; it is about understanding a problem and choosing the […]
Four effective ways to help your child love learning

The past four years have certainly been a challenging time for parents and their children. You may be wondering more than ever how you can best support your child during these unsettled times. We continue to live in a competitive world where those with five good GCSEs have the advantage. Many courses require a […]
Six winter traditions around the world

Winter Solstice The Winter Solstice falls on December 21st or 22nd and is the longest night of the year in the NorthernHemisphere. In Latin, Solstice means the ‘standing still of the sun’ so people around the world participatein festivals to bring some joy and laughter into their communities. It is believed that lighting candles, eatingmeals […]
How to motivate students

What motivates students to learn? Maslow famously suggested a ‘hierarchy of needs‘ that humans need to thrive. Once our basic needs have been met, we are more able to develop our self esteem, which can then lead to our self actualisation that enables us to succeed. We are motivated mainly by our instinct, then […]
How is my tuition service different to other tuition providers?

The private tuition sector has been expanding rapidly over the past 20 years. Having a tutor has become the norm as more families access private tuition services. There is now a wide range of tuition options available, from individual tutors working independently to large companies who provide tutors who have registered with them. For many […]
Five ways to help your child to reach their full potential

Your child can become anyone they want to be; the possibilities are endless. As a parent, you can see your child’s potential. But while young, they may not see their full potential and may not believe they have what it takes to be successful. Fortunately, you can help. Here are five suggestions for helping […]
Can optimism help students pass tests and exams?

The last four years could be described as an unsettling and challenging time for everyone. Indeed, remaining optimistic in view of the pandemic and, more recently, the outbreaks of warfare, seems somewhat unrealistic. The Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 Report has found that 20.3% of 8 to 16 year […]